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Golf Course

- Iconic Golf Destinations -
Golf Course
Come And Play Our 18 Hole Course

Quality Course, Confident Ball

The Carmelina Golf Club at Newcastle offers golfers the chance to be part of an active social golf club at the area’s premier golf venue. Membership includes the opportunity to play in weekly and monthly. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Amazing Parks

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Practice Facilities

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Event & Activity

Quality Service. Attention to Detail. Relaxation at its best. Our waxing services gently remove hair, leaving the skin comfortable and smooth.

Hit The Ball Hit The Bottle

09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Carmelina Hotel Golf Course
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Spring spring Golf Tournament

09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Carmelina Hotel Golf Course
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New York City Tournament

09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Carmelina Hotel Golf Course
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Carmelina Golf Club

Membership is the opportunity to join one of the leading clubs, with an active and friendly membership. The professional staff are on hand at all times to give lessons and to make all members feel very welcome making sure they thoroughly enjoy their game. Our extensive indoor learning center is open year-round.

What do you get as a member?

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Cancel the room right in my account

Exclusive offer for members

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871 route de colombier
Saint-Barthélemy 97133

Time Working:

Check In: 15.00 - 19.00
Check out: 8.00 - 12.00